For Fire or Medical Emergencies, Call 911
The Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department was founded in 1897 and currently is comprised of 30-40 members. Some of our current volunteers are 3rd and 4th generation FVFD members. The historic Fire Hall, built in 1910 is located on Brown St. We have one Rescue Truck, three Fire Engines (pumpers), two Water Tenders, a Utility Truck and other assorted equipment. Our District follows the Eel River from just this side of Price Creek down to the mouth of the river, to just south of the Navy base back to Price Creek, crossing the Wildcat a mile or two up.
- Humboldt County Fire Districts Map (580k PDF file)
- Ferndale Fire District Map (1.2 MB PDF file)
The members of the Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department meet regularly at least twice a month. The first Thursday of the month the department meets at the Fire Hall to go over business matters and review the previous month’s fire and medical calls. The third Thursday of the month the department holds drills on various topics such as driving, fire fighting, pump operations and medical response skills. If there is a fifth Thursday in the month, there is a special drill that concentrates on medical call issues. All meetings and drills are held at 7:00pm at the Fire Hall.
Annual Drive
The volunteers of your Ferndale Fire Department would like to thank you for your continued support. We conduct an annual donation drive starting in April. The money raised each year goes towards our training, equipment, and yearly events. We continue the door-to-door method for a couple of very important reasons. For instance it allows us to make personal contact with the families, and notice any changes in the local area, such as new construction or hazardous conditions. It also allows us to answer questions or talk about the Fire Department and fire safety.
For the Kids
Every 4th of July from 10:00am until noon at the Fire Hall, we provide fire truck rides for the kids (and the kids at heart).
Trash Burning
Burning is allowed on permissive burn days only, during the hours of 6:00am to 12:00 noon. For burn day status please call 443-3091. Permit is required for all open burns, beginning May 1, 2003. Only approved combustibles may be burned. Approved combustibles consist of dry brush and vegetation. The following items are prohibited from being burned: paper, cardboard, rubber tires, asphalt, shingles, cloth or upholstery, colored/glossy paper, plastic, tar paper, linoleum, diapers, carpeting and any other materials not listed as approved combustibles. Burn barrels are outlawed as of January 1, 2004. The North Coast Unified AQMD has adopted an Airborne Toxic Control Measure, or ATCM, regulating the use of Residential Burn Barrels. The prohibited area includes all of Ferndale and the Ferndale Fire District. Burn barrels are still permissible in Capetown and Petrolia.
Please learn to recycle what you can and legally dump everything else.
Blood Drive
For the past several years the Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department has been hosting two blood drives per year that have been very well supported by the community. While this blood is made available to anyone by the Northern California Community Blood Bank, the cost to the patient may be reduced if a credit on our account is claimed. If someone from our area requires a blood transfusion, they simply need to notify the hospital that they would like to use the credit under the Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department blood account.
We also have Career Day and Fire Prevention programs at the local schools. The Fire Department also provides instruction on C.P.R. to the community. We also maintain, put up and take down the lights on the community Christmas tree.