Knox Box Program

Ferndale Fire Protection District has implemented a Knox Box program for residents and businesses.

Please see the FFPD website for more info.

Power Recharge Station

As this is being written at 2:45pm on Saturday, October 26th, PG&E is advising that power for Humboldt County will be shut off at 7pm due to fire risk of high wind and low humidity. There is still no firm commitment for how long the power will be off, as various reports say it could be 12 hours or 4 days.

Ferndale Volunteer Fire Department has generator power and will be hosting a public recharge station at the Fire Hall on Brown Street. It will be open Sunday, the 27th, at 8am and hopefully will be staffed until 7pm unless the power is restored earlier.

Priority will be given to citizens that need to recharge medical devices, but you’re welcome to recharge phones and other portable devices as needed.

FVFD Open House

FVFD Open House

FVFD will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, April 6 2019, with all activities taking place on Brown Street between Main & Berding.

FVFD Open House Flyer

• Tour the Fire Hall and view the Fire and Rescue equipment. 11:00 to 2:00
• Jaws demonstration: Co2 will demonstrate how to cut up a car. 11:00 to 11:30
• Medical eq. and training demonstrated by Co. 4 11:40 to 12:00
• Rescue ropes and Air Bags demonstrated by Co.1 12:10 to 12:40
• Firefighter Tactics demonstrated by Co.3 12:50 to 1:20
• Live Fire: Doll house burn demonstrated by the Chiefs 1:30 to 2:00
• Fire extinguisher training (live fire) 11:00 to 2:00

Also at the Ferndale Vol. Open House

  • Red Cross info
  • Northern California Community Blood Bank’s mobile unit
  • FVFD Dept. History and Members
  • Ferndale Fire Protection District information

Stop by to see your fire Department at work

Free Hot Dog lunch served from 12:00 to 1:00

2018 Fireman of the Year

At the Annual Dinner on March 3, 2019, Company 1 Lt. Robert Anderson was presented with the FVFD Fireman of the Year award.

Robert joined FVFD in 2015 and has completed the fire academy and obtained an EMT license.

FVFD Blood Drive

FVFD will be hosting a community blood drive at the fire hall, on Wednesday, Feb. 13th. Come donate a pint between 1600 and 1930 (4pm to 7:30pm for those of you who don’t live on 24 hour clocks) and we’ll thank you by serving you a free steak dinner.

Measure Z Air Bottles Delivered

Today local volunteer fire departments received a shipment of nearly 90 new self-contained breathing apparatuses worth just under $85,000. This life-saving equipment was funded by Measure Z and will help ensure volunteer fire equipment is not only up to industry standards, but is interoperable with other departments when they respond to mutual aid calls. FVFD received 22 new bottles.

2015 Fireman of the Year

At our annual dinner Saturday night, Tom Grinsell was presented with the 2015 Fireman of the Year award. Earlier in the evening, Tom was also presented with a 30 year pin. During his long service to FVFD, Tom has filled many positions, including chief from 2008 to 2013. He currently is managing our I Am Responding program, helping manage the Explorer program, and helping restore the 1955 American LaFrance. Thank you Tom for all you’ve done for the department the last 3 decades.

This is the second time Tom has been selected as Fireman of the Year, previously winning the award in 1995.


New FVFD Member Quincy Russ

Quincy Russ being sworn in by Asst. Chief John MillerAt the June 4th meeting, FVFD voted in Quincy Russ who completed his probationary period. Quincy recently graduated from the Eel River Fire Academy. He will be joining Company 4.

New Engine for Company 3 Arrives

The long awaited replacement for 7323 finally arrived in Ferndale. The new engine, manufactured by Rosenbauer, in South Dakota, will be designated as 7313. The change from 7323 to 7313 is mostly due to the new seating capacity. While the old Engine 3 could only seat 3, the new engine has seating for 5.

The engine has some work to be done on it before it can be placed in service. It is expected to be in service mid June.

First View of 7313



Rear Pump Panel

Tom and Dennis check out the new 7313

Old and New Engine 3

Old and New Engine 3

Old and New Engine 3

2015 Fire Academy Graduates

Last night at the FVFD meeting, Rus Brown from Fortuna Fire handed out the diplomas for the 2015 Fire Academy graduates. Congratulations to Robert Anderson, Quincy Russ, Adam Hartley, and not pictured, Gillian Gallagher and Barbara James. Thanks for putting in all that extra time for training the last few months.

2015 Fire Academy Graduates