Chief: Daniel DelBiaggio
Asst. Chief: Rick Nicholson
Asst. Chief: Jif D’Aguanno
Fireman of the Year: Dennis DelBiaggio
Company 1
- Capt. Ralph Lopez
- Lt. Robert Anderson
- Adrian Lopez
- Clint Michel
- Terry O’Reilly
- Tracy Van Emerik
Company 2
- Capt. Tyson Boynton
- Lt. Francis Enos
- Dustin DelBiaggio
- Daniel DelBiaggio, Jr.
- Tom Grinsell
- Jerry Lema
- Josh Smith
Company 3
- Capt. Byran McWaters
- Lt. Josh Adams
- Dennis DelBiaggio
- Brian Morrison
- Andy Titus
Company 4
- Capt. Quincy Russ
- Lt. Allison Barnwell
- Troy Land
*New Members
2/17/2019 – Firemen’s Games
Company 2 won the hose lay, Company 1 didn’t show up, and Company 4 cooked the hamburgers.
3/2/2019 – Annual Dinner
Awards were presented for meeting and drill attendance, the trophies for the games were presented, George Nichols received a thank you plaque, and Robert Anderson was honored as the Fireman of the Year.
4/6/2019 – Open House
FVFD had an open house with demos on auto extrication, rope rescue, fire attack, fire extinguisher use, ventilation, and more. Thanks to Dennis DelBiaggio for organizing it, Byron McWaters for emceeing it, and the entire crew who worked to make it a success.
Time lapse of the auto extrication demo.