Fireman of the Year

Every year the chiefs select one firefighter who has gone above and beyond the call of duty. This firefighter is presented with the “Fireman of the Year” award at the annual dinner. The firefighters who have received this award are listed below.

1979 Jack Smith 1980 Dean Petersen
1981 Mike Manzi 1982 Jerry Lema
1983 Jeff McDonald 1984 George Nichols
1985 Barry Potepan 1986 Joe Koches
1987 Terry Strong 1988 Tom Ford
1989 Jim Becker 1990 Rich Leonardo
1991 Dennis DelBiaggio 1992 Carl Gossien
1993 Leo Basler 1994 Dave Nicholson
1995 Tom Grinsell 1996 Jim Aste
1997 Bill Klatt 1998 Troy Land
1999 Don Bowen 2000 Dan Glandon
2001 Manuel Enos 2002 Greg Ford
2003 Mike Ring 2004 Ricky Williamson
2005 Mike Thomas 2006 Will Scott
2007 Jon Savage 2008 Matt Knowles
2009 Byran McWaters 2010 John Miller
2011 Daniel DelBiaggio 2012 Jack Smith
2013 Rick Nicholson 2014 Andy Titus
2015 Tom Grinsell 2016 Ralph Lopez
2017 Quincy Russ 2018 Robert Anderson
2019 Dennis DelBiaggio 2020 Terry O’Reilly
2021 Ken Dayacamos 2022