Chief: Tom Grinsell
Asst. Chief: Daniel DelBiaggio
Asst. Chief: Jerry Lema
Fireman of the Year: Rick Nicholson
Fire & Medical Calls
Medical | 160 |
Structure Fires | 13 |
Vegetation Fires | 6 |
Misc Fires | 19 |
Traffic Accidents | 12 |
Public Assist | 35 |
Hazardous Conditions | 10 |
Misc & False Alarms | 11 |
Total | 266 |
Company 1
- Capt. Don Bowen
- Lt. Andy Titus
- Marc Daniels
- Matt Knowles
- Ralph Lopez
- Adam Pillar
- John Snyder
Company 2
- Capt. D. DelBiaggio, Jr.
- Lt. Shane McKay
- Leo Basler
- Tyson Boynton
- Dustin DelBiaggio
- Francis Enos
- Travis Grinsell
- Jack Smith
- Josh Smith
- Mike Thomas
Company 3
- Capt. Jif D'Aguanno
- Lt. Josh Adams
- Dennis DelBiaggio
- Tom Ford
- Byran McWaters
- John Miller
- Brian Morrison
- Terry O'Reilly
Company 4
- Capt. Rick Nicholson
- Lt. Becca Ackley
- Paul Diaz
- Troy Land
- Becca Robison
2/17/2013 - Firemen's Games
Company 2 won the hose lay, Company 3 won the buckets and water polo, but still had to cook the hamburgers.
3/2/2013 - Annual Dinner
Fireman's games trophies were presented, and the Fireman of the Year award for 2013 was presented Jack Smith.
3/21/2013 - Mutual Aid Ladder Truck Drill
Eureka brought their brand new 8181 articulated ladder truck, and Fortuna brought over their ladder truck for a drill on Main Street.
5/16/2013 - Ventilation Drill
Ventilation and ladder drill at the fairgrounds
5/30/2013 - Cal Fire Helicopter Drill
Cal Fire brought in 102 from Kneeland for a drill on packaging and helicopter scene safety.
6/21/2013 - Log Fire at Centerville Beach
FVFD was called out to extinguish a log that was burning on the beach. Cal Fire responded with a unit to check our work, because it might have been to tough for just a single department to extinguish, and the beach was at risk for burning down.
7/4/2013 - 4th of July Firetruck Rides
The night before the rides, Jerry Lema had to do an emergency tire repair on the '23 LaFrance.
10/10/2013 - Fire Prevention Demo at the Preschool
Jerry Lema and Matt Knowles showed the youngsters how to spray water and not be afraid of firemen.
12/1/2013 - Putting Up the Christmas Lights
One of the nicest mornings we've had to put lights up. A little surprise from PG&E at the end, but they look pretty good this year.
12/25/2013 - Santa Delivering Bicycles
Christmas morning Company 1 helped Santa deliver some bicycles to needy kids.